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Growing Together: Social Activities

Theme Days

Field Trips

Park Days


Reformation Party

Thanksgiving Party

Christmas Party

Valentine's Party

Ice Cream Parties

Field Day

Art Show

Homeschool Seminar

Here is a list of some of the additional activities

we offer our families: 

Musical/Drama Productions

Park Days

Field Trips

Science Fair

Brick 4 Kids


Themed "Fun Days"

Thanksgiving Party

Valentine's Party

Preschool Graduation

Fellowship Events

Christmas Party

Ice Cream Party

Prayer Partners


Curriculum Trade/ Sale

Field Day

Art Show

Book Fair

Fundraising Events

Awards Ceremony

Community Service 

Getting the Support you Need!

We know how important it is for families to connect! That is why we include a plethora of activities in our program that gives you and your child the opportunity to receive support and make lasting friendships. Our educational field trips provide parents with plenty of "out of the classroom" experience that is so vital to learning!

Field trips & Events ONLY: $60 for the year*

* Field trips are included at no additional cost for all enrolled student.Does not include payment for field trips or other fees associated with an event.

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