The Well.. Engage! Equip! Inspire!
The Well Homeschool Enrichment Program (Drop Off)

What do you mean by Engage, Equip & Inspire?
The books we can choose from to educate our children are endless, and the methods are countless- But really the process is simple: Engage. Equip. Inspire.
For our kids Engage means catching their attention with something that interests them, using that interest as a means to Equip them with the knowledge they need to succeed academically and spiritually, while Inspiring them to use that knowledge to walk in their purpose.
For our parents Engage means offering opportunities for them to connect with other homes schooling families, using those opportunities to Equip them with the support and knowledge they need to be successful in their homeschooling, and Inspiring them to stay strong in the Lord, committed to their calling and pass on that support to others
What does The Well offer?
We offer a variety of supplemental classes for students grades pre-k through highschool, all in one dynamic drop off day.
Why does The Well support homeschooling?
Proverbs 22:6 King James Version (KJV)
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 1:7 New International Version (NIV)
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.
Even at a time when Christian values are under attack like never before, this scripture remains a timeless truth for those who are willing to invest in the intense training it implies. We do have a choice how we raise our children which will impact which direction their lives will unfold. Therefore, as home educators, we have the awesome privilege of centering our children's education around the maker of all education! We get the joy of raising our children to Love the Lord while molding each of them according to the specific wisdom God has given us for each of them, shaping the person they are going to be. We believe that as parents, we stand as shields, countering the culture that threatens to consume them while guiding them into a deeper understanding of who they are in Christ and how they fit in the world around them. We believe homeschooling, when done in this light, provides the perfect climate for students to thrive and be their very best, free from the distractions and pitfalls of other types of schooling.
Why the year commitment?
In order for us to offer this program to the many families who are blessed by it, we ask our families to commit to an entire school year. This commitment allows us to plan our budget accordingly and provide stability to our program. Without asking for this commitment, we would be unable to follow through with our mission to continuously provide quality, Christ-centered classes to our homeschooling families. Thus, there is a break contract fee per student to withdraw prior to the end of the school year.
What curriculum is used at The Well?
Our teachers use a variety of resources to plan their one of a kind engage-equip-inspire lesson plans, however we do not use any one particular curriculum in our program.
What is The Well's philosophy for education?
We believe in creating active learners by engaging the students in a variety of activities. We do this by implementing the 20 Strategies to Engage the Brain developed by Marcia L. Tate. These strategies have been scientifically tested and proven to create higher levels of retention and learning than the traditional model of schooling. Additionally, we respect the parent as the primary educator and thus our program is flexible to accommodate a variety of approaches and curriculum. In this diverse community, we believe that “none of us is as smart of all us” and are happy to grow together.
What is The Well's class size and student to teacher ratio?
Our preschool class is capped at 12 students to student for 1 teacher and all other classes are capped at 16 students per teacher. Additionally, we have floating assistants that help out in each class as needed. Students are placed in classes with peers within their age/grade range. Students remain with their class the entire day and are supervised by their teachers and assistants at all times.
What qualifications does The Well's staff hold?
Our teachers are background checked, First Aid & CPR certified, and hold professional degrees, Teaching Certifications or equivalent experience. We also have on staff a Licensed Counselor- Intern, a senior leadership team and admin specialist. View profiles under "Meet our team"
What The Well's response to COVID-19?
As always, the well-being of our families is our number 1 priority. Currently, this is what we are doing to help slow the spread of infectious disease in our community, while still allowing students the freedom of play and normal social interaction.
1. Small group size
3. Students will wash hands/use sanitizer after every rotation.
4. Masks/face shields are optional
5. Parents will drop off and pick up students conveniently from their vehicle.
6. Anyone with fever or symptoms of illness will not be permitted to enter.
7. Classrooms & supplies are sanitized after each rotation.